How to date without going broke.

Hi Friends! 

Welcome back to my lifestyle finance blog! 

For my first official post I’m going to share some tips on how to save while dating. When you start dating your partner it's very easy to forget about your financial goals.Try to spend more intimate time with your partner, watching movies at home or cooking dinner for each other are only some ways that you can date and save money. 

Here are some of my favourite ways to save and still have fun with my partner. 

1) Dinner at a 4 star Resturant (Average/ $200) vs. Cooking dinner for each other at home (Average/ $50)

- My partner and I love having dinner dates, but we try to minimize them to once a month. Not only do you save SO MUCH money cooking at home, you get to see how great of a cook your partner is or you might end up teaching them how to throw it down in the kitchen. Regardless, it’s a money saver or a cooking class. 

2) Going to a sports game (Average/ $100 per person) vs. Going on a hike or to the gym together (Average/ Free)

- For the partners who love a Basketball game or Soccer match, save your coins and work on your own fitness by being active. My Partner and I love working out and try to work out together. We get to spend time with each other and honestly you learn so much from seeing your partner in the gym or on a hike pushing themselves and pushing you in different areas. 

3) Going to the movies (Average/ $35 per person) vs. At home movie night (Average/ Free) 

- Sometimes it feels beneficial to see the newest movie, but its also a good idea to stay in and catch up on your favourite TV series with your partner. I find it 10x more fun to binge watch shows at home in my sweats with my Partner. You also get a chance to learn about your partners favourite movies and TV series. 

4) Showering each other with gifts (Average/ $50 per person) vs. Saving competitions/ incentive program (+ endless amounts) 

- We all love being showered with gifts, but trust me having surprise gifts once in a while when you don’t expect it feels more special then coming home to something every week that you might not even care about. Save your gift money and have saving competitions with your partner. This will help grow your savings and might create an incentive program in your relationship if you know what I mean ;) Save this amount of money and you get ____ (you chose your incentive). See how this goes! 

5) Frequent local trips (Average/ $300 per person) vs. Huge getaways (Average/ $2000 per person)

- Try taking local trips to save some money. In Canada try places like Montreal or Blue Mountain for the weekend. These are less than half the price, you won’t have to book time off work and you get to getaway with your partner while maintaining your finances.

I hope these tips help you build your relationship and secure your bank account. Stay tuned for my next blog on Travel tips, ways to save for that big trip coming up!

Also, leave a comment below with topics you want me to write about! 

Happy Thanksgiving! 
