Preparation is one of the many keys to success. 

Q: You prepare for work, you prepare for vacation but you don't prepare to fuel your body?

It doesn't have to be a Sunday, but that day works best for me because it's the only day of the week that I'm home and not working. With all the tips I will share on this blog, Meal Prepping is definitely my most effective money saver. I personally meal prep my lunch and snacks for work (which is a lot of food). I tend to eat something simple in the morning like eggs, oatmeal or cereal. For dinner, I tend to eat a snack because I eat so much during the day. 

Meal prepping has allowed me eat more often and eat more nutritious meals. I also get to eat the food I enjoy everyday and save so much time and money in the process. The average worker spends $20/per day on lunch. I spend approximately $20 a month on the "cheat" day I give myself on pay days. I eat out for lunch probably twice a month, you can give yourself more flexibility (ex. eating out on weekends). Cutting out the weekdays WILL save you tons of cash. 

Below I will list the few benefits that come with Meal Prepping, along with a guide to meal prepping. 

Image result for meal prep1. Helps you eat healthier food. 

- Meal prepping allows you to decide what you eat ahead of time. You can plan out a healthy meal and fun snacks for throughout the day. You can focus on hitting all of your main food groups while meal prepping. This is a great benefit to your success and lifestyle, with a healthy diet you promote a healthy mind. A clear mind to help build your financial goals. 

2. Helps you save lots of time.

- You save time in many areas when you meal prep. You get to enjoy your 1 hour break at work instead of leaving your site to get food and only having 20 minutes to eat and relax. You also save time prepping every morning. Instead of waking up an hour early everyday to make your lunch if you decide to save your money and cook, you can get up knowing that all you have to do is get ready, eat breakfast, grab your lunch and go. 

3. Helps you save more money than you think. 

- If you calculate an average person's spending a work week on food ($20 x5= $100) this adds up to $400 a month on FOOD; food that you have at home. $400 is someone's phone bill and car insurance for the month. Use the power of 3 tip that I go by when thinking about buying food everyday. If you can't afford 3 of something, don't buy it. If you can't afford to spend ($400x3=$1200) a month on food, MEAL PREP. 

4. Helps you fight daily temptations. 

-  We all get tempted to purchase food when we are on the road for two main reasons. One, we are craving something we haven't had in a long time. Two, we are starving. When we are fighting hunger our mind gets clouded and we end up purchasing something unhealthy or expensive. The easiest way to avoid this from happening is by eating!!! When you meal prep you have access to the amount of food you need to feel satisfied. When you aren't hungry it is easier to say no to fast food and abstain from spending the money you don't have or could be saving. 

My next blog will explore some books that have helped me focus on my financial goals, spending habits and assets.
