TRAVEL GUIDE: Best ways to save for and on vacation.

 Happy Friday!
Today I will give you all some tips and tricks on travelling. Everyone loves a great getaway but hates the endless amount of saving that goes into affording your dream trip. This summer a group of my friends & I spent the summer travelling Asia. Every time I tell people I spent almost a month in Asia they think it must have been expensive. Incorrect, of course vacations can be pricey but if you plan and save properly you can save a ton of money and explore different parts of the world.

Here are some tips on how to save for vacation:

1) Villa/ Airbnb ($33/night) vs. Hotels ($150/night)

- When travelling to Bali, Indonesia we decided to rent a villa for $200 a night. Not just any villa but a villa with a cook, driver, massage service, swimming pool, 4 bedrooms and 5 washrooms. This was a tropical mansion to say the least. A group of us (7 people) split the costs for 6 nights (Less than $200 a person for the entire week). We saved hundreds of dollars as the average cost of a luxury hotel in Bali is $150/night! SELF EXPLANATORY! 

2) Longer flights vs. Short Flights 

- We all HATE long flights but if it saves you an extra $500, it is worth it! Take the extra 5 hours or a lay over and grow your savings. If I know I will save money on a layover I try to create an extra trip and explore the country before I head to my next destination. 

3) Save double the amount of your trip

- Its always best to save much more than you need, especially in the case of an emergency on your trip. The most satisfying feeling is to come home to extra money in your account that you can throw into your savings. It makes you feel like you spent less and will motivate you to keep saving. Seeing your savings go from positives to negatives after vacation is a bummer, saving double will help prevent that from happening.

4) Grocery Shopping vs. Eating out every meal

- An easy way to save is to make your own food some nights. Go grocery shopping and cook on the nights you stay in and hang out by the pool.

5)  Do as the Romans do! Local activities vs. tourist attractions

- A great way to explore a new country is to participate in local activities. You will surprise yourself with how much fun you will have exploring local lifestyles. For example, going to local markets vs. going to a high end restaurant. You learn more about the culture when you integrate yourself in local activities. You also save a ton of money from shying away from hiked up tourist priced attractions. 

Here are some photos from one of my most recent trips to Bali, Indonesia with a group of friends! Stay tuned for my next post on the pros of meal prep Sunday!
