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Happy 2020 Readers! I hope you all had a safe and fun new year!  

This year I am going to be focusing more on lifestyle. Exploring finance, goal setting, self improvement and overall personal growth.To start the year off, I will dive into the #1 issue individuals have when starting the new year.We make resolutions and end up failing to complete them all.

Here are some tips on how to push through and actually complete your yearly goals.


1) Short and Sweet
Many people make the mistake by writing paragraphs on paragraphs about the goals they want to achieve. This will make you very overwhelmed, there is no need to write an essay about one single goal. Instead, be direct with the goal you would like to achieve. Avoid creating a lengthy list of goals. Keep it to a maximum of 5 goals for the year. This will help you focus more and will remove feelings of discouragement due to your lengthy list that may feel never-ending. 

2) Specific not General
 Be specific with your goal, if you want to get a new job specify the job you want. For example, don't just say I want a new job this year. Be descriptive " I want a new job in my field". This will narrow your job search and help you feel complete when you accomplish your goal of getting a new job. You don't want to get a new job that isn't related to your field and then feel unaccomplished because your goals where not specific enough. Stay direct, specific and focused on your ultimate goal.

3) Quarterly vs. Yearly
Attempt to break up your goals, look at the smaller goals that you can accomplish faster. For example, I had the goal to save $10,000, I slowly was saving money but placed the completion of that goal for the last quarter of the year because obviously I have to save the funds and looking to complete that goal in the fist quarter of the year doesn't make much sense. Organize what goals you want to complete first and which goals take more time.

4) Step Progression
List slow progressions, under your specific direct "short" goal. Example, find a job in my field. Have some points/tips on how you are going to reach these goals. 

(Example) Goal: find a job in my field 
Step 1: Apply to jobs once a week
Step 2: Practice interview questions
Step 3: Attend job fairs 

Creating a step progression will motivate you to keep pushing through as you complete each step.

5) Connecting with loved ones 
It's hard to stay focused so use your supports for some help. Last year, my partner and I spent our flight home from New York writing out our resolutions. This is significant because we now get to keep each other motivated and accountable. If I've reached a goal he is able to celebrate with me and if I'm slacking he can push me to stay focused.

I hope these tips inspire you to stay focused and motivated with your goals this year.

Good luck!
