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Below are some tips on how to get your year moving and saving. 
It's week three of 2020 but it is never too late to create a plan and get to saving!

1) Write out a Plan
Make this a habit, when you have any type of plan you should write it down. At the beginning of the year we all aspire to create new goals but fail to stay accountable. Stay consistent and get things completed by writing out your plan. Write down the goal, how your going to complete it and what day you want it done by. For example, my goal this year was to save $10,000 to help pay off OSAP. Goal: save $10k
Action: save x amount every month to get to $10k.
Date of completion: end of December 2019


2) Access your History 
Be honest with yourself. Look at your banking history and look for trends in your spending and saving. If you planned to save $1k a month and in the past year you've only saved $200 a month look at the things you are spending on. Address all your financial issues, if you find that you're spending to much on food. Read my meal prep blog and learn about how much you can save. If you find that you spend to much on gas then think about getting a bus pass. Address your history to help you gain new saving habits for the new year.    

3) Make it Automatic 
Make your bills automatic this year, this will help your credit and your peace of mind. I put all of my bills on one credit card. This makes it easy to track my monthly spending and helps me make one single payment at the end of the month. Having automatic payments will reduce stress, late fees and bad credit.

4) Just Say "NO"
Make this the year where you get to say no and focus on yourself. All those spending days are behind you, you don't need to go out every weekend. If your girls want to take that girls trip and you know it's going to get in the way of your new year goal say NO! You have the right to put yourself first and develop your own financial future.

Good luck this year xoxo
