I think most of us have that "I'm quitting" moment in our careers, especially when we are stuck in boring 9-5's. At the end of the day, you have to push through and work your ass off until you either turn your hobby into your passion, start a business, buy that house and accomplish all those other dreams and aspirations you have.

Here are some tips on how to get by while working your boring 9-5 that pays all your bills!

1. Focus on the positive.

- Understand that even though you feel like quitting your 9-5 it's a blessing to be able to wake up, go to work and most of all make money to fund your life and your dreams.

2. Get up and exercise before work.

- Working out before work (if your schedule works with this routine) truly clears your mind allowing you to tackle the day with positivity, motivation and strength. 

- I work early mornings and commute over an hour so mornings don't really work for me unless I want to work out at 4am. I try to pick one or two days of the week (usually Friday) where I'm in the gym at 4am and get a nice push to get me through the rest of the day.

3. Find your passion outside of work.

- On your off time try to explore new things, find something you love and work hard at that. This will help you stay motivated, entertained and balanced throughout the work week.

- I always look forward to hitting the gym after work, I love to work out and get super excited leaving work knowing that it's time for a leg day.

4. Use your free time (Breaks and Post work) to work on your passion.

- For me this blog helps me express my interests and talents and keeps me motivated during the work week. I'm always brainstorming, drafting and working on my craft.

Hope this helps you stay motivated, focused and happy when working a traditional job!

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