Happy Good Friday! I hope you are all off work today, if not already!

Here are some things you need to do in order to feel productive, stay motivated and survive this pandemic while working from home!

1. Get Ready
- It's very easy to wake up and stay in your comfy PJ's but I promise if you get up wash your face, take a shower and/or put on a nice shirt. You will feel more motivated

2. Stretch and/or Exercise
- Stay as active as possible during this time. Take some time to get outside for a walk and/or stretch once or twice throughout the day. This will reduce chances of gaining those quarantine 15 and help release the stress you put on your body from sitting in a chair all day.

3. Take Breaks
A lot of people struggle to separate work and rest especially when they work from home. It is extremely important to act as if you are in the office. Take your 15s and hour lunch break at the regular time you would at the office.

4. Fuel the Body
While you take those breaks I mentioned above, make sure to eat! Maintain your nutrition by eating breakfast to start your work day, snacks throughout the day and lunch on your 1hr break!
5. Go to Bed on Time
Finally, make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Most of us have been losing track of time and heading to bed at 3AM. This will kill your productivity throughout the day, it's important to take care of your body by giving it the rest it needs!

-Coll 🤎