TOP 5 DIY TIPS FOR QUARANTINE (Video Links included)

Happy Friday!

Here are some things you can learn on your own and challenge yourself to complete while at home during this quarantine.

These "Do it yourself" tips and tricks can help you save money and time post quarantine. Get crafty and get motivated to learn some ways to save.


1) Become a Nail Tech
- I know most people who get their nails done every two weeks are struggling right now. There's even a challenge on Instagram with people displaying their struggle nails. Here is a video tutorial of how to do your nails at home-- for free.
Nail Tips at Home
Gel Nails at Home

2) Become a DJ
- Host a Zoom party and play some new music you've been hearing. If it's your birthday, this is the best idea. Here's a new song you should add to your DJ set.
Arhinslim- "Starlit" MUST WATCH

3) Become a Hair Stylist 
- Miss getting your hair done? Here are some video on at Home weave installs, box dye tips and more all in the comfort of your home!
Black Men Hair cuts at Home
Weave Install

4) Create a Home Gym
- Save on gym memberships, use the tools to create your at home circuits for an effective workout. These videos will also show some equipment you can purchase to help create your home create for a cheap price.
Workout for all Body Types
Cheap at Home Equipment Essentials

5) Create your own Clothing
- With tie dye being the new trend, you can create your own sweat suits and clothing at home. Here are some videos of tie dye tutorials for those who want to learn.
DIY Tie Dye Challenge