Happy Friday Lovers! Here are some things I've learned in the last four months of lockdown! Hope they help you keep faith, reflect and find hope for the future. 

1. Savings are important 
- It's safe to say times are hard at the moment for many people, after speaking with close friends and family. A lot of us are extremely happy and blessed to have savings. A lot of people have unfortunately lost their jobs and have no money saved for times like this. I hope this pandemic opens up everyones eyes to the importance of finances, savings and investments. There will always be unexpected times in your life, it's important to save and always be prepared for the worst.

2. Job Security is key 
- As much as savings are important, I think we are all starting to see how important job security is. How valuable it is to have employers and companies who care about their employees. I know a lot of people who have been let go and who now understand that their company doesn't give a shit about them and they are working to find new jobs. Job security is a large part of loving your job and we should all value the work our companies are doing for us during this time whether you get to work from home or whether you have imbedded covid days. This is the time to also recognize your worth whether that means your company is forcing you to come in office, or not providing proper PPE or has let most of your team go. Job security is everything!!! 

3. Health is Wealth
- I've learned to appreciate my health during this time. I'm so blessed to be able to walk outside, workout and eat healthy food. I'm so blessed to have the time to workout so much more than I did pre quarantine. I hope everyone finds time to work on their physical health and mental health. Times can be very depressing, stressful and most of all lonely (being at home). I hope you all take the time to meditate, watch your church service, talk to a therapist, zoom call your friends and family and release your stresses and challenges you are currently facing. 

4. Find your Passion 
- This is the most free time you are going to have in a while. Take time to work towards promoting, developing and finding your passion. I'm extremely passionate about fitness, finance and social justice education. During this time, I have been able to workout so much more and hit physical goals I haven't had time to focus on in the past. I have been able to help friends and family budget, study more on investments and develop my financial goals. Lastly, I've been able to promote, support and educate social justice initiatives through my social media platform and through my actual 9-5 job. I love that I get to help my community find justice and educate others on the challenges and inequalities my community faces regularly. Work on your passion, promote and educate others on the topics you find important. 

5. Hope is Priceless
- If we all can take one thing from this moment in time is to focus on hope, having hope in the future. Focusing your thoughts on your self development and working towards building a hopeful future. We do not have any control on the present time but we have control over our ability to think positive about what is coming up next in our lives. Never give up hope, its the only thing we have to hold onto.