Stocks for beginners: How to get started!

Happy Friday Friends! 

This blog post was highly requested and I am finally writing a blog about STOCKS! 
Since I'm a beginner as well I've consulted with friends and family who have experience with stocks. I asked for some main tips that are important when beginning your stock journey.

1) Do your Research on the stocks you invest in 
- Only because companies are well known doesn't mean you will become a millionaire. Explore different industries, different rates and choose wisely. 

2) Allocate a comfortable amount of money 
- You don't need to invest 100k when you begin, do not empty your entire bank account because you think you will make double the following day. Begin with a comfortable amount, whether that means $100, $1000 or $10,000.

3) Be Patient and Think Long Term

- Capital gains do not always happen overnight. Over the years, your stocks will hopefully grow. There is not guarantee but it does take some patience. If you fall into inpatient practices you will lose out on multiple increases in your stock.

4) Consult with others
 - Consult with colleagues, friends and family and get some insight. You never know, the stock you planned to invest in might not be ideal and one of the people you consult with can save you from losing money. If you need more insight, connect with a broker, trade or financial advisor who can help guide you through the entire process.

5) Take Risks
- Risks= Rewards. If you don't try investing, you will never know what the possible outcome will be. You could be missing out on a lot of growth, so take a chance.

I hope this encourages you to start investing, here is a YouTube channel that I use to help educate myself on stocks, financial education and overall good spending habits.
The Break Platform: Patricia Bright
