Happy Friday! 

Today's blog is on a common question most people ask me, How do you I increase my credit score?

Below, I have some simple tips that will help you increase your credit score. 

Having a high credit score will help you with many things such as getting a loan, getting approved for a home or car, giving you more power etc. 

I can talk more about all the benefits of a high credit score in a future blog if anyone is interested!

Please comment below!


1. Pay your bills on time- Auto-payment 

- The easiest way to achieve paying your bills on time is to set up an auto-payment. No matter what, your bills will be paid and you'll know your credit isn't negatively affected by late payments. 

2. Pay off Debt you've been holding onto

- If you have money saved in the bank (enough to pay off the debt you have). It's better to pay it off in larger chunks. If you've anticipated to put $50/ month to pay off your $2,000 debt. Try doubling that, try to get rid of your debt as fast as possible instead of convincing yourself to take your time. 

3. Keep balances low

- Try to follow the 10-20% rule, if your credit card is for $1,000, try to only owe $100- $200 at a time. 

4. Dispute any errors and inaccuracies on your bank reports/ statements 

- Connect with your bank to see if there's any issues/ flags on your account. You may have opened an account or an old credit card that you forgot about. Make sure you understand all the reports and accounts you have to avoid any false charges and account inaccuracies.

Hope this helps!