APRIL BLOG: Money Matters, But Money Isn't Everything!

Happy Tuesday and Welcome back to the Blog!

I took almost one month off of writing to find clarity, focus on new projects and new investments. March was a very busy but successful month; I increased my income by taking on a second job which was a big goal of mine. I invested in something I've been talking about for months (stay tuned). It's been challenging but it's also been great! I am blessed to be able to do all that I did in March and I was able to find time to rebrand and organize which has helped me find clarity on what I want to write on this blog!

Today, I will be diving into a common question "Is money everything?". My simple answer to this question is no. Money is not everything, I'll explain below why money isn't everything and how I choose to lead my life in financial freedom rather striving to be a millionaire. 

I believe that money isn't everything because it does not create purpose, this is why finding work you enjoy is so important. You need to find purpose in your daily actions and living off of passive income won't fulfill that.

I think passive income is important, it helps generate opportunities and generational wealth, but it's not everything! Keeping your 9-5 or finding work that you are passionate about is most significant. If you are working a job you truly enjoy and feel motivated and challenged in- this is valuable to your purpose on this earth. 

Moral of the story is, money does not create a purpose or fulfillment- to me thats important and you shouldn't strive to just build money. You need to focus on your purpose and then plan around that, which may look like having a passive income on the side. Purpose looks different for everyone but usually embodies being financially free.

Importance of Financial Freedom 
Attaining financial freedom means having enough. It does not mean becoming a millionaire, quitting your job, doing nothing everyday. Financial freedom means having funds for saving, investing, emergencies and for enjoyment. A good goal to have is financial freedom rather "Be Rich and do nothing for the rest of your life". You need to have a purpose and financial freedom embodies just that. 

How you can begin 
A simple way to start your journey to financial freedom is to make a budget. Sit down and plan out your monthly budget based on your income, not your expenses. You are no longer going to be spending more money than you have. This simple step will help you save money, which will give you the ability to diversify your money and invest in the things that will help sustain your lifestyle.

My Journey
Over the past four years I have been able to save money (which is key to me). You can't do much if you don't save. Now with funds available and consistent income, I continue to work towards being financially free by diversifying my income into different areas.
  • investing in real estate
  • stock investments
  • full time job
  • monetizing my platform
  • part time job
  • tfsa and rrsp
I love my job and have purpose in helping people in my field but I also have other income coming in that helps fund my investments, emergency fund and leisure. I think my financial structure is valuable, what do you think? 

Learn More
If you want to learn more on how to start your financial journey or if you enjoy reading and want to expand your knowledge check out  my blog post with book recommendations. 
Books related to motivation, personal finances and generational wealth. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog, comment below your thoughts and your take on whether money means everything! If you have read this far, you will know that I have a huge milestone announcement coming soon. I may or may not post it on my instagram page so make sure to follow!

Also, let me know any topics you would like me to write about in the comment section below!

New blog every 13th of each month! 
See you in May!